Friday, December 3, 2010

16-VIII 5-Clarissa-Final Exam

 Es Krim Kelapa Muda

Bahan :

  • 1/2 ltr susu segar
  • 100 ml air kelapa muda
  • 1 sdk tepung maizena, larutkan sedikit dalam air
  • 3 telur ayam, ambil kuningnya saja lalu dikocok
  • 200gr daging kelapa muda
  • 100ml krim kental

Cara membuat:

 1.Campurkan susu dan air kelapa muda kemudian aduk rata
 2. Masak di atas api kecil sambil diaduk terus hingga panas
 3. Masukkan cairan maizena kemudian aduk terus hingga mendidih
 4. Ambil sediit adonan kemudian aduk dengan kuning telur
 5.Masukkan kembali kedalam adonan. Masak hingga mendidih kemudian angkat dan terus diaduk hingga uapnya hilang
 6.Tambahkan daging kelapa muda dan krim kemudian aduk  rata
 7.Setelah agak dingin, masukkan kedalam freezer hingga setengah beku
 8.Aduk kembali hingga rata kemudian simpan dalam freezer hingga beku
 9.Sajikan dalam gelas kecil

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Denotations and Conotations

Denotation refers to the simple and direct meaning of a word. All words have a denotative meaning. Connotation refers to the different associations carried by a word in addition to its denotative meaning.
Note that a word may have different connotative associations for different people. Brochures often use words with positive and desirable connotations to make their subjects more attractive and appealing


A euphemisms is a word or statement that replaces another to make it less direct or offensive. Euphemisms are commonly used to make unpleasant statements less unpleasant, and we use them every day in conversation

Objective Language

Objective language is language that is based on facts rather than personal feelings


A suffix is a word-ending that is attached to a stem word to change its meaning. Like perfixes, suffixes are extremely important in English because they serve t add meaning to stem words.
There are two types of suffixes, inflectional and derivational suffixes. An inflectional suffix does not change the function and that a stem word serves in sentence. After taking in inflectional suffix, nouns, verbs and adjectives still remain they are


A prefix is a word-beginning that is attached to a stem word to change its meaning

Standard English

eStandard English in the form of  English that is the most acceptable to the largest number of people. It is the form of English that is the most appropriate for almost every purpose, audience and context. As such, it is very important that we learn to speak and write Standard English
There are two general forms of Standard English in the world, American English and British English. Many of the movies we watch come from America. As such, the characters in these movies speak  in American English.This is differnt from how we express ourselves in Singapore, where we tend to use British English